• TERMECA is ideal for use in:
  • TERMECA is ideal for use in:
  • TERMECA is ideal for use in:
  • TERMECA is ideal for use in:

Message from CEO and creator of Bright Spark technology

The right to have a healthy life is one of the basic human rights, therefore, health equipment should be available to all people of the world without any discrimination, regardless of race, gender and geographical location. The coronavirus pandemic showed us that when one person's health is compromised, the whole world is affected by its negative consequences. So, we can only be safe from spreading diseases like corona if we can ensure that everyone everywhere has access to a healthy life. We at Bright Spark aim to make people's lives more pleasant and safer by developing our innovative product TERMECA in the field of disinfection. at the same time, we try to ensure the health of future generations by preserving natural resources and the environment.
Maurice Tax

Covid 19 and the challenge of disinfection

Covid 19 and the challenge of disinfection

The ever-increasing growth of population the phenomenon of urbanization, and the advancement of industry and technology to meet human needs and benefit more from natural resources have led to a large increase in pollutants in nature, which has caused many dangers to humans. For example, the introduction of various pollutants and chemicals in the environment and consequently in food is always a threat to the health of all living organisms. In 2015, "Promoting health and ensuring a healthy life for all" was considered the third goal of the 17 sustainable development goals in the United Nations' global appeal, and planning to achieve access to universal health by 2030 was on the agenda. But with the emergence of the global epidemic of Covid-19 and its various strains, the need to pay attention to this goal was felt more than ever. The instructions issued by the World Health Organization regarding global access to equipment, sanitary materials and disinfectants, the necessity of using special disinfectants to eliminate this virus, various theories regarding the way the disease spreads, personal and environmental health waste and sewage treatment; The people of the world faced a new challenge to control this disease.
In fact, after the emergence of Corona, the "challenge of disinfection" entered people's lives with a double necessity. It is an integral part of personal, environmental (both medical and public), agricultural and industrial health. Therefore, Aram Kimia, after much research regarding public access to the most effective and safest disinfectant launched manufacturing TERMECA  in the Middle East market with the exclusive participation of the technology of the leading company Bright Spark.
The major difference between TERMECA  and other disinfectants

The major difference between TERMECA and other disinfectants

TERMECA is a disinfectant in a neutral environment and is used in many modern industries around the world due to its organic nature, high strength, safety and non-toxicity.
 TERMECA has proved that it has better functions than hypochlorous acid (HOCl), sodium hypochlorite (or chlorine bleach), Vitex and alcohol for disinfecting and inactivating bacteria, and unlike the dangers of chemical disinfectants for human health, it is one of the safest substances.
The main difference between TERMECA and other products based on hypochlorous acid is that this product is in the alkaline range and after dilution, it moves towards the neutral pH range and becomes stable hypochlorous Plus. Therefore, due to having a neutral charge, TERMECA will be activated in the required amount in the face of bacteria, viruses, fungi and molds, micro-organisms and biofilms, and the rest will remain in the system for a certain period of time for the next activity.


Aram Kimiya company uses exclusively the latest technology owned by the company Bright Spark in the Netherlands to manufacture TERMECA.

Registration Number:11872
Office in TURKEY
  • Cumhuriyet Mah
    Rıfat Arın Sk.;No 3/6

  • +90-2565027856

  • info@aramkimiya.com